Thursday, 3 March 2011

Hole In The Wall

What a week!! Monday marked the start of a new chapter in Mrs Doyle's life, it also was the start of what was THE noisest and most stressful week of the build so far... it was the week that they knocked through!

This is the inside of the wing before they took a sledgehammer to the house - plasterboard is up, electrics started...

This used to be the kitchen wall and that is a rather scared me standing in what we used to call the garden but now just resembles a non descript muddy area.

Working from home is ordinarily a nice idea, I had visions of me with my feet up in front of This Morning, drinking tea whilst on the laptop. The reality was somewhat different... holed up in a small bedroom surrounded by 'stuff' with just a small desk area and chair. The only untouched rooms by clutter are the bathroom and our bedroom. The rest is amass with objects, contents of understairs cupboards, contents of kitchen cupboards and random items. My 'lunch break' involved making a sandwich on a cardboard box in the spare room and washing up in the bathroom sink...just not what I had in mind for my first week of freelancing.

For two solid days the builders got their BIG drills out, two solid days of crazy noise and dust but there was a real treat when they accidentally drilled through a gas pipe... a short five mins of panic followed before they managed to turn the gas off. Then we breathe again....until that is around 30 minutes later when they accidentally drill through a water pipe... another short panic.... water turned off. Oh what fun we had!! I am pleased to report that we didn't cover every utility and no electric cables were drilled through. And no one was killed on site.

The up shot is the Doyles are now missing a wall. Boarding covers a rather large hole in the wall (where's Anton Du Beke when you need him?!?) and you'll see below our current 'kitchen' which is yet to be plumbed in. So stylish.....!! We now have a very valid reason to eat out.

So this is the part when I normally waffle on about interiors but I am so worn out by all the banging and drilling I haven't had a moment to think about interiors. However do not fear... the rather lovely news is what used to be one of my most coveted items is now officially one of my favourite things. On Friday I bid a sad farewell to lots of fab people at work and as well as being presented with an amazing This Is Your Life book of memories I GOT AN ORLA KIELY RADIO!!!! Woo hoo!!!

Those who know me, know how obsessed I am with Orla and now I have THE radio, something I have longed for since it was launched. It is now going to take pride of place in the West Wing, when it is finally finished!

So that was the week that was...this weekend birthday treats await (I hope!?!) and next week we're going to get plastered!

Mrs D x

1 comment:

  1. Loving the picture of you through the hole!
